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RFID Fire equipment Application

1.Application background


Every year, there are countless fire accidents around the world, resulting in many casualties and property losses. After China’s reform and opening up, the public security and fire control department also made reference to the fire control norms of various advanced countries, and comprehensively formulated the fire protection design, installation and acceptance specifications in line with China’s national conditions. However, with stringent fire regulations, fires that cause casualties and property damage still occur. According to the adjustment results, it was found that some of the fire facilities had failed to be properly controlled and properly maintained after the fire broke out. As a result, the fire could not be promptly alarmed or fire started, causing the fire to continue to spread. Therefore, for a building, no matter how its fire protection design meets the requirements of the code, its firefighting facilities are complete, but they lack perfect management and regular or regular maintenance. When a fire breaks out, they may malfunction. Not to play the role of fire. It can be seen that the daily management and maintenance of firefighting facilities are of great significance.

Enterprises and organizations are aware of this problem, purchasing fire-fighting equipment, registering fire-fighting equipment, and establishing personnel patrols and scrapping and replacing systems to a certain extent ensure the availability of fire-fighting equipment. However, it is undeniable that it lacks effective information management and supervision. Means, in fact, there are many loopholes in the daily inspection management, there are many places where management is not perfect, the inventory is arduous, the inspection is not in place, the equipment is lost, and other issues have buried a lot of security risks.


2. System Introduction

The use of advanced information technology to strengthen the information management capabilities, strengthen the supervision of the inspection process, improve the overall level of fire equipment management, eliminate safety hazards has become urgent.

The core of the management of fire-fighting equipment is the establishment of basic data, and collection and acquisition of data information at key nodes. RFID radio frequency identification technology has received more and more attention and attention since its application in World War II. More and more industries have begun to pay attention to the functions and practicality of RFID. R&D personnel have developed successive generations of performance stable performance. The information acquisition equipment and information storage equipment that meet a variety of needs, which makes the use of RFID quickly expanded to various fields, RFID plays a very important role in the management of fixed assets.

RFID technology uses wireless electromagnetic waves to achieve data transfer and interaction. It is a non-contact automatic identification technology. The recognition process can work with various harsh environments without manual intervention. RFID is unique in that it can recognize objects that move at high speed and identify multiple tags at the same time. Therefore, the application of RFID technology to the management of fire fighting equipment can make the management of the equipment easy and simple, avoid the manual operation and the data errors and time consumption caused by the recording, and solve the problems in the existing management mode for fire fighting. The safe use of equipment provides protection.


3. System design

The RFID-based fire-fighting equipment management system binds the corresponding asset information in the background by installing RFID electronic tags on the fire-fighting equipment, and accurately acquires the detailed information of the assets through the collection of RFID electronic tag information at key nodes and processes. . 3.2 System Flow

3.2.1 A passive rfid tag shall be affixed to all fire-fighting equipment within its jurisdiction. The tag shall have a memory on it to record the purchase time, expiration time, installation time, person in charge, number of patrols and other information of the firefighting equipment.

3.2.2 The system establishes an electronic file of fire fighting equipment, which is stored in the centralized server of the management department and provides the expiration alarm function. The system will display a warning message on the unit management page. At the same time, it will send a text message to the relevant person or person in charge of the unit’s mobile phone to remind him to replace it.

3.2.3 The fire management department arranges inspection plans for the inspection plans and management departments of various units. These plans may be annual plans, monthly plans, weekly plans, temporary plans, etc. The system will automatically generate short message content according to the plan and send it in time. The relevant executor of each unit’s mobile phone reminds the person (unit) to carry out the inspection of the fire-fighting equipment, and can also download the plan to the mobile data collection terminal of the specific executor.

3.2.4 Each unit inspection personnel and inspection personnel of the management unit are equipped with a mobile data acquisition terminal. The terminal can communicate with the rfid tags on each fire fighting equipment and can communicate with the upper computer (management computer). Each patrol officer receives the patrol plan of the management department, and in turn scans (reads) each fire equipment. At this time, a patrol record will be formed in the handset. If the equipment is found damaged or not functioning properly, The inspector will make the appropriate selection on the handset and save it in the inspection record.

3.2.5 Each sampling personnel receives the sampling inspection plan of the management department, and then arrives at the designated unit, and reads the fire fighting equipment of the unit in turn. At this time, an inspection record will be formed in the handheld, if it is found that the equipment has been damaged. , Or the function is not normal, the sampling personnel will make corresponding choices on the handset and save it in the sampling records.

3.2.6 The management department obtains relevant record data of each unit, conducts statistics and analysis, forms various reports, and according to different inspection records, supervises the responsible units to perform relevant maintenance or replacement work and completes the supervision of fire equipment in various regions. .


3.3 System Features

Dynamically display the status of each fire-fighting equipment, and learn the current status of each fire-fighting equipment anytime, anywhere.

The position (coordinates) of the fire fighting equipment can be determined when the basic data is set, and then the system will display the location and current status of the equipment according to the real-time inspection records. The equipment is in good condition or fails or expires, and the system will use different colors. Markers let managers know at a glance.

Real-time analysis of inspection personnel’s operation information and effective supervision of inspection personnel.

The system has set up multiple plans, such as inspections, sampling plans, and then based on inspection records, sampling records to feedback the implementation of the inspection (sampling) personnel, so as to effectively supervise the inspection personnel to prevent lazy, do The occurrence of disadvantages can also ensure that inspections are in place to ensure the safe use of fire-fighting equipment.

Can solve the fault in time and promote the completion of the business.

When the inspection personnel sends the fault information back to the central server, the upper computer management system will immediately capture and notify the relevant personnel to immediately or according to the plan, and then monitor the fault processing feedback information in real time, until the feedback information is obtained, the business will be terminated .

Get a lot of valuable reports.

Based on the requirements, the management system will comprehensively analyze the various records in the system and provide a large number of reports to facilitate the scientific decision-making of management.

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